As from October 2022, a couple of catalytic events had to have happened in order jump start what may be a new trajectory of my life or what it should of been if I did not become so complacent during my whole 30’s.
There are has been a major physical change which began very innocently from a Youtube bet then things became more serious once there was motivation and intent behind the physical change.
Then dealing with conflicts which then stemmed from emotional insecurities or baggage however you would like to call it, which then led me to reflect and dig deeper into psychology and the human psyche.
My initial hypothesis (again my own opinion not facts as yet) is that why people react the way they do is because certain words or actions has triggered some sort of emotional insecurity.
If you have faith in humanity and believe that people usually do not have malicious intent via their words or actions, one would have usually a neutral to positive reaction to comments or actions. The reality of the matter is, we all have some sort of emotional baggage and it is best to recognise and reflect after an event and try to improve one self.
One of my baggage is confrontation which stems from multiple insecurities. Identifying it has help me grow personally and hopefully professionally as I begin to start dealing with my clients here in Sydney.
First Stop Shire Optometrist – Cronulla
This visit had allowed me to to try my new sense of professionalism and a lot of matters were discussed and my future actions will then determine whether or not the change is permanently better? Obviously my communication skills in a one-to-one personal interaction is acceptable, it is my correspondence via followup that is lacking very much.
Also I have identified that I get distracted very easily which also leads to my lack of following up.
So maybe once I can overcome these challenges, getting one of these could be a reward for myself?