As the world ushers into the new year of 2023, one can not help but reflect back on moments and events that had happened over the past year.
Anyone who has known me, knows that I used to have massive ambitions, dreams and goals that I had all set out back during my late teenage years, but for the past decade to say the least, that fire and passion had just fizzled and died. To which I had just had accepted as fate and just plotted along.
This year however, has been a roller coaster journey. The last quarter of 2022, combination of events during this time had the most impact of my life, which had sparked the decision in how I lived my life moving forward.
To Quote “Starting is what stops most people.” In my early years, being ignorant and hoping for the best was the only way I knew. But as you get older and wiser, you start to think things through and understanding of consequences of action.
Being impulsive can be a good thing, as long as you are following a plan to keep you on the path. Not all plans will go accordingly, so there needs to be room for adjustment and reflection along the journey.
Knowing that I am a persistent bastard, regaining my impulsiveness to start things had to come back. Impulse and Persistence are probably the two driving forces to start my lifestyle change, but I believe these two actions still needs inspiration to be ignited.
You may have to draw out your own inspiration so that you can begin your change.
Since the start of my lifestyle change and not a DIET, I have now reached 105KG. This is now a total of 20KG lost from my average weight of 125KG in just over 8 weeks. If that does not inspire you, to change then you are going to need a lot more support.
Using the impulsive energy that had started my lifestyle change, I am now drawing upon that energy to change other aspects of my life, and its F**king scary!
This also had inspire me to start blogging about my life, knowledge and experiences, in the hopes that it can inspire other people for their own benefit.